====================================================================== MICROSOFT CINEMANIA '95 README file Microsoft Corporation September 6, 1994 ====================================================================== Thank you for purchasing Cinemania '95. New combinations of hardware and software can present a variety of potential performance and configuration problems. This file contains information on: Section Description ------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Where to find help 2 Setup 3 Removing Cinemania '95 4 Windows mode 5 Video cards and display problems 6 Removing the CD-ROM disc in error 7 Updating system files 8 Mouse/cursor problems 9 Audio Problems ====================================================================== 1. WHERE TO FIND HELP ====================================================================== Please see on-line Help in Cinemania '95. The Tips and Trouble- shooting section covers a variety of topics such as improving performance and resolving audio difficulties. ====================================================================== 2. SETUP ====================================================================== Orchid ProDesigner II VGA video driver: If you are using an older Orchid ProDesigner II VGA video driver, Setup may fail. Contact the manufacturer or your dealer to obtain an updated driver. ====================================================================== 3. REMOVING CINEMANIA '95 ====================================================================== Setup offers the option of removing Cinemania '95 from your computer. However, several elements may remain. If you have moved the Cinemania '95 icon into a different Program Group since installing the application, Setup will not be able to detect the new location of the icon and delete it from Program Manager. After running Remove from Setup, delete the icon from Program Manager. Setup will not remove the CINMANIA.INI file. If you have no other versions of Cinemania installed on your machine, use File Manager to delete the CINMANIA.INI file from your Windows directory. The cin95 directory (or whatever directory was identified as the destination directory during setup) will not be removed. If this directory is not being used for other files, use File Manager to delete the directory. ====================================================================== 4. WINDOWS MODE ====================================================================== If you are using Windows 3.1, we strongly suggest that you run Windows in Enhanced mode while using Cinemania '95 in order to improve performance. To see if you are running Windows in Enhanced mode, from the Program Manager Help menu choose About Program Manager (or from the File Manager Help menu choose About File Manager). In the bottom section of the dialog box, you should see the phrase "386 Enhanced Mode." If you do not see this phrase, you can force Windows to run in Enhanced mode by typing WIN/3 or WIN/E at the DOS prompt when launching Windows. Windows for Workgroups always runs in Enhanced mode and no message is displayed in the About dialog box. ====================================================================== 5. VIDEO CARDS AND DISPLAY PROBLEMS ====================================================================== **Less than 256 Colors: Cinemania '95 is designed to run at VGA (640x480) resolution or higher with 256 colors. Running in less than 256 colors will result in poor screen graphics. **More Than 256 Colors: Cinemania '95 may encounter display problems when using accelerated video drivers, video drivers with more than 256 colors, or high resolution video drivers. Make sure you are using the most recent video drivers available for Windows from your video card manufacturer. To find out what video driver you are using, go to the Windows Program Manager Main group window and double-click the Windows Setup icon. To the right of "Display" you will see the name of the video driver currently in use. **Obtaining Updated Drivers: Contact the manufacturer of your video card to determine if newer Windows display drivers are available. Another option for obtaining updated drivers is the Microsoft Download service, an electronic bulletin board that can be accessed via a modem at (206) 936-MSDL(6735). Drivers provided on the MSDL are compressed with the PKWare utilities, and are in the form of executable files (.EXE extension). It is best to download the file or files you need into an empty directory on your hard disk or a blank formatted floppy. To decompress these drivers after downloading them, either: a) From Windows File Manager: double click on the filename (e.g., the appropriate file ending in .EXE) that you downloaded. -or- b) From the DOS prompt: change to the directory containing the downloaded file, type the filename, and press ENTER. Specific driver issues ----------------------- **Dell 3S drivers, versions 1.3 and 1.3a: If you have a Dell computer with S3 video and are using the Dell S3 video drivers version 1.3 or 1.3a, you should install the latest driver, version 2.33. This driver is included on the Cinemania '95 CD in the \aamsstp\dell directory. For details on installing this driver, see your Windows documentation. **ATI Ultra Crystal video driver: The ATI ULTRA CRYSTAL driver will allow you to select a 256-color 1024x768 display for a video card that has 512K of memory. However, 512K of memory will not support 256 colors at this resolution. Because Cinemania '95 requires 256 colors to run properly, you must select a driver that will support a 256-color display. You must also make sure the video driver is compatible with your specific video card. For details on selecting an appropriate driver, see your ATI documentation or contact ATI technical support. If you have a modem, you can obtain a 256-color SVGA driver from the Microsoft Download Service at (206) 936-6735. A 256-color SVGA driver is included with Windows for Workgroups. For details on installing this driver, see your Windows for Workgroups documentation. ====================================================================== 6. REMOVING THE CD-ROM DISC IN ERROR ====================================================================== As a general rule, you should not remove the CD-ROM disc while you are running Cinemania '95 If, while running Cinemania '95, you eject the Cinemania '95 disc from the CD-ROM disc drive, insert a disc for another program, and then click hot text (say, a movie title in a review), you get a System Error message: "Cannot read from drive :" and then the instructions: "Please place the Cinemania '95 CD in drive :\." Reinsert the Cinemania '95 disc, and then click Retry. You may have to click Retry several times before the disc is recognized. If you are still unable to return to Cinemania '95, click Cancel, close Cinemania '95, and then reopen it. ====================================================================== 7. UPDATING SYSTEM FILES ====================================================================== Cinemania installs CINMANIA.INI file on your hard drive, in the Windows directory. This file contains information on various settings for Cinemania '95 such as the default screen position for the Cinemania '95 windows, the install path, and the hotspot color. Cinemania '95 also installs or updates some system files. These files are required to run Cinemania '95 correctly and may also be used by other applications. Files installed or updated include: OLE 2.01, Video for Windows 1.1c, and runtime .dll's (dynamically linked libraries) for Cinemania '95. ====================================================================== 8. MOUSE CURSOR PROBLEM ====================================================================== If you are using Microsoft Intellipoint mouse software, you need to turn the "snap-to" feature off. This feature can cause the mouse cursor to jump around on the screen when you perform certain actions in Cinemania '95. Open the Control Panel, usually found in the Main group in Program Manager, and select the Mouse option. Turn snap-to off in the Mouse Manager dialog and close the Mouse Manager and the Control Panel. ====================================================================== 9. AUDIO PROBLEMS ====================================================================== If you get the error message, "No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use the drivers option to install wave device," when trying to play some sound clips, then the Microsoft audio compression manager and drivers may not be installed correctly. There are 2 files in your \windows\system directory that need to be current. Compare the dates of the files MSACM.DRV and MSADPCM.ACM to those located on the Cinemania '95 CD. If these files are current, then you will want to make sure that your SYSTEM.INI file (located in your Windows directory) contains the right information. You can open the SYSTEM.INI in Notepad or any text editor. Make sure that the following sections appear: [Drivers] wavemapper=msacm.drv [MSACM] install=msadpcm.acm